Admin Controls
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Last updated
TempleDAO utilises a Gnosis Safe multi-signature smart contract to execute the protocol’s Administrative and Treasury operations. All of the protocol contracts are owned by the main TempleDAO multisig at: 0x4D6175d58C5AceEf30F546C0d5A557efFa53A950.
The signers on the Gnosis are long-term community members who have a proven record of acting in the best interests of the DAO and who have demonstrated consistent and valuable contributions in their respective Enclaves.
Critical protocol contract functions are restricted by onlyOwner to prevent unauthorised changes or updates. Additionally, none of Temple’s smart contracts are upgradeable. If any contract logic needs to be changed, the entire contract must be redeployed.
TempleDAO is constantly improving its Admin Controls. More contract infrastructure is being built out to further automate and decentralise our Treasury operations and governance process. Read more about the vision and implementation for Temple governance in our Medium.